
Pocket Worthy

I wrote this in 2013 after a family vacation to one of our favorite beaches.  It was a vacation filled with time for our family to reconnect with each other and spend some time reveling in what God made with just his hand.  It was a time of reflection and a time of pondering the… Continue reading Pocket Worthy


Seeing the bigger picture

I’ve prayed about this whole unity thing for a while now.  What does it mean? How do we get there from here? Can one person make a difference?  Cause a revival of unity? and on and on the questions go; till I felt overwhelmed with the task.  Thankfully God made me a big picture person.  He… Continue reading Seeing the bigger picture

Love · Uncategorized

As light pushes back the dark

I usually woke early way before the others who would serve that day.  My essentials gathered : coffee, devotional and bible.  I sat between the rising sun and the setting moon.  I needed to meet with God to try to make sense of what I was feeling and seeing.  Try reconcile old with new and allow God’s presence… Continue reading As light pushes back the dark

strength · Uncategorized

It wasn’t the fart…

Really, it wasn’t the unmannerly expelling of gas in a public place that did me in that day.  It was all that came before.  It was the year-long battle to right myself after the death of my aunt Winnie; who was like my mom, that left this ship listing badly and in need of repairs to… Continue reading It wasn’t the fart…